Legal Representation you can trust
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Just one of our Specialties
At first glance, bankruptcy can be confusing. You may be wondering about the different types, or “chapters” of bankruptcy. Which one would apply to you? Let’s take a minute to discuss one of the more common types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7.
Under Chapter 7 of the bankruptcy code, you can quickly wipe out your unsecured debts. The most common of these debts are unsecured loans, medical bills, credit cards, automobile deficiency balances, collections, and some tax debts. It allows you to stop wage garnishments and avoid liens placed on your property by creditors. It also gives you the option to surrender property you no longer wish to keep, such as an automobile or home.
How Do I Know if Chapter 7 is The Best Option For Me?
Call my office today, and make an appointment for your FREE Client Strategy Session. We offer this to every new client. We use this time to review the bankruptcy process, in plain language, and to see what type of bankruptcy fits your situation best. Please bring a list of all your debts to this first meeting so that we can understand your position.
If we decide that filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is your best option, we will give you information on the process and the steps we take to file your bankruptcy and follow up. The process will take approximately six months.
What Does a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Cost?
The average cost of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is around $1,000. This amount includes all the fees associated with the completion of your case.